scroll on if you're into it.


6-figure course FORMULA

Turn your online course dreams into your 6-figure reality, now!

Don't stay stuck at the start...

But the problem is, right now you're not even close.

You're burning the midnight oil (and holidays and weekends), trying to get your online business up and running. 

You've been doing all the things, you've got a website, a few clients, and you're posting like crazy on the gram. But you haven't cracked the code for how to make consistent sales, or attract a consistent stream of new people to your list (well, not yet).

You're totally over whelmed with the 1001 things you "should" be doing, and you're just about ready to throw your laptop and big dreams out the window... but you don't because you have a pretty strong inkling that you are meant for more...

And you're right... 

So, you've got $10k+ months on your vision board...

"When I joined I had no optin, barely a list and definitely no funnel. Since working with Kate I have added thousands to my list, and last month I made $12K totally on autopilot! Kate, LOVE your programs. Having sales come in on autopilot still blows my mind!!"


"From no opt-in and no list to $12K months"

What if you could confidently open your laptop tomorrow, knowing exactly what actions you need to take to hit your 6-figure goal this year?

(ANd then the next day anD the one after that...)

❌ Spending all your time and energy constantly  posting and engaging on social media. 

Better yet what if that plan included...

None of this:

❌ Big ads budgets, high-risk tactics or waiting to "go viral" to be able to grow.. 

❌ Crazy/complicated launch plans that need a team of 10 to implement... and just don't work for small audiences. 

❌ Wasting valuable months onout-dated strategies not designed specifically for exactly where you are in business. 

🎉 Fast-to implement (and even faster to see results) step-by-step action plans. 

But lots of this:

🎉 Quick wins, lots of them, and an easy to follow roadmap for hitting your sales goals every month.

🎉 Time and sanity savings, with over-the-shoulder demonstrations, tutorials and templates at every step. 

🎉 Confidence and clarity, with 14+ years of digital marketing expertise streamlined down into weekly, doable tasks to smash your 6-figure goals in a way that feels great.

The cherry on top.. What if that plan was designed to work right now (yep, even in 2024) and for exactly your stage of business.

no team? no list? no budget?... no worries!

" I feel so much more confident as a CEO, my business has grown exponentially (I made $35K in my first ever launch!) and I can not thank HelloFunnels enough.


"I feel so much more confident as a CEO"

I've been helping amazing women to build 6 and 7-figure businesses they love by leveraging their expertise and systemising their sales since 2014....

In that time, not only have I helped hundreds of coaches, influencers and experts to make more money from what they love... easier. 

I've also done it myself, three freaking times!

I'm Kate


Since 2007 I've created and launched three seperate successful online businesses, as well as 13 (what??) of my own successful 6-figure + 7-figure online courses, memberships and offers.

Including one, which I started from scratch, and scaled to well beyond 6-figures in under 6 months... while pregnant (eek!)

I've won (some very nerdy) awards (Female Tech Entrepreneur of the Year 2015... thank you very much) and worked with some of the biggest names in the business.

And I can honestly say I now have the absolute privilige of waking up everyday and loving what I do. 

And now I want to help you do it too - but just minus the 12-years+ of stressing, guessing and Googling yourself crazy. 

yep, i've walked the talk

"We just had a $67,000 presale of our brand new offer! Holy SHIT! From just 6 emails!"


"$67,000 pre-sale!"

 6-figure course FORMULA

Let's do this

All this is exactly why I created

The 6-month step-by-step, support-filled, results-focused online mentorship program I WISH had existed when I decided to create my first online course. 

No pressure, but this will make or break your business. And crazily enough so many people are teaching it just plain wrong.

We will show you how to design (and one-by-one create) the THREE very simple offers you really need to be able to grow your revenue quickly and profitably (and without needing a massive live or to be a master marketer... yet!) 

PLUS if you don't have an online course created yet, we'll help you get it up and launched (and SOLD), fast. 

We are all about funnels. But it has to be the RIGHT funnel at the RIGHT time.

Nail this step (and we will show you how!), and you add a hands-free revenue stream plus you'll turbo charge your list building efforts too.

Get it wrong and you'll waste months of time, effort and lost sales. So lets make sure you get it right, right up front - in fact you'll have your funnel up and running in just 14-days.

Here's How We'll Help You Smash Those $10K+ Months

Craft A 6-Figure Offer Suite

Install A 6-Figure "Mini" Funnel

STEP one

STEP two

Yep, we'll say it. Launches are no fun. They can be hard work, stressful, and if you do them wrong, really unprofitable. 
But, they are VITAL for getting your online course well past the 6-figure mark as quickly as possible. 
So, we are sharing the three simple (but crazy effective), rinse and repeat launch campaigns every sub-6-figure course needs to master (and we'll give you the exact day-by-day, email-by-email plans and templates to make them a breeze). 

Master 6-Figure Launches

STEP four

The biggest differentiator between those that grow quickly (and those that stay stuck for years), is how quickly you can grow a quality audience.

The problem is, most strategies take either a lot of time, or a lot of money, and when you are starting a business you are usually short on both. The solution?

Our 3-phase Audience Acceleration Framework, designed to get BIG impact, fast, with just a few hours a week (no ads budget required).

Build A 6-Figure Audience

STEP Three


Four critical phases, broken down into 12 bite-sized modules, with templates and tutorials for every single step.

"It's been a big 6-months since I landed in this course! $$10K beta last year, and now it's officially launched I've just done $10K in the first 48 hours. Fingers crossed for another 10! Thank you for all your help Kate and team. "

— Kate

"$10K in just 48 hours" 

I have officially created my very first 5-figure eCourse and it feels incredible to have taken something which was just a small seed of an idea in my soul, create it with all of my love, and put it out into the world!

Kate is incredibly engaged and supportive - it feels like you're being taught by an old friend!" 


"My first 5-figure course"

Our exclusive masterclass showing you exactly how you start making sales on autopilot every, single day directly from Instagram.

Steal our secret framework for creating and delivering high-converting webinars that make selling feel great, including our mad-libs style slide-deck, and chat GPT prompts to make it even easier to create your best-performing webinar ever.

Did Someone Say Bonuses!

The 6-Figure Social Sales Funnel

6-Figure Webinars

(value $497)

(value $997)

Ready to scale from $10K months to $50K and beyond? This exclusive live training is your golden ticket. We're diving deep into the strategies that catapult earnings, exclusively for our members.

Live Beyond $10K VIP training

(value $497)

exclusive  perks EXPIRING SOON!

Start writing and designing your own high-converting sales pages in under 24 hours flat with this signature template and training that takes the can’t out of creating sales pages that sell! 

We have partnered up with Go High Level (an amazing all-in-one marketing platform), and are offering access to their full suite (thats website, courses, emails, everything) for on us (aka FREE) for 6-months. 

6-Figure Sales Page Masterclass

Your Tech Is On Us!

(value $997)

(value $1183)

You don't need to BE (or hire) a copywriter, designer or Tech VA.  We've included templates for every page, email and automation you’ll need in this program so you can get started with a click of a button (for all of the most popular platforms). 

Ignite Template Library

(value $1997)

Total bonuses value $6,168

Let's do this

☎️ Expert Hot-Seat Calls (3+ times a week) are available for you to get help with copy, tech, ads, launching, marketing strategy, and more. These are intimate, small numbers only, and hot-seat style via Zoom.

🤓 Mastermind Round Table Sessions with your fellow Empire family members to get fresh a perspective on a topic, learn from each other mistakes and triumphs, and create lifelong connections and partnerships.

👯‍♀️ Off Facebook Community to get your questions answered with most answered by our team within 24 hours from Mon - Fri. 

Plus, the secret ingredient...

Our  “Best In Business” Support

i'll have one of everything 

I've helped HUNDREDS of course creators, influencers, experts, service providers, and freelancers  around the world, create the life they used to only dream about, by building their own highly profitable and automated (aka stress-free!) sales funnels.

So, if you help people with anything from:

Q: But will it work For my business...

The Ignite 6-figure sales formula is the missing puzzle piece you’ve been searching for. 

A: Short answer is... hells yes!

➛ losing weight
➛ kicking ass on social media
➛ crocheting better
➛ riding horses
➛ finding love
➛ correcting bad posture
➛ teaching kids a second language
➛ selling on Etsy
➛ finding their purpose
➛ meditation

➛ being more confident
➛ speaking on stage
➛ getting pregnant
➛ gut health
➛ creating + growing
dream businesses
➛ organising their home
➛ designing their own websites
➛ breastfeeding
➛ newborn sleep

And you're looking to create the systems you need to grow to $10k months with ease...

i'm ready!

Ready to unlock your $10k+ months?

It's time to invest in the system and support your need to make those big, beautiful dreams a reality, and join us inside 

Doors for Ignite are now closed

Make sure you join our email list so you don't miss out again. 

Or if you can't wait click here and check out our new community. 

"Kate killed it in this course! So grateful I made the investment which at first felt like a lot and now I pinch myself for not investing in myself sooner - it has changed the way I look at investing in my business, a small drop in the bucket compared to what you could possibly earn.

This course gave me the skills, confidence and drive to create a product that is not only profitable but packed with value that I'm incredibly proud of. "


"The skills, confidence and drive to create a profitable product" 

when does it start?

As soon as you are accepted and your payment is received, you will receive access to the IGNITE HQ, and also to our community group and hub. 

So basically it's ready to start when you are (and trust me when I say, no matter what your situation is, there is never a better time than right now!)


Q: How long do I have to complete the course?

The IGNITE program is designed to be completed in roughly 12-weeks, and currently includes an additional 12-weeks of support and access for FREE on top (6-months total). 

However, if you need a bit more time, or just want to stay on and keep getting access to our amazing expert support and community, you can continue on with the same low monthly access fee. 



We currently have templates and walkthroughs set up for Active Campaign, Kajabi, Showit, GoHIghLevel, ClickFunnels and Convertkit. 

However our funnel system works on ANY automation program, and if you are already using a program you love then you can simply take our funnel maps, checklists and scripts and recreate our systems in the tech of your choice. 



If you do great, if you don't also GREAT.

This is not just a "launch your first course' program, it's a complete system which will show you how to build the rock solid foundations you need to hit your $10K month goals with ease (having and online course is just small part of that).

So if you do already have a course, amazing, we can help you fine tune your offer, polish it up and you're good to go. 

If you don't then we'll show you how to craft the best course idea for you, rapid-fire test it, set it all up and make your first sales as well. 


Q: How much support + feedback do I get really?

When you choose either our Gold or VIP options, honestly, a tonne! Our students are always blown away by not only the amount of support, but the speed they get their questions answered too. 

This program was created by someone who really loves helping people with solving this problem, and who really gives a shit about helping them succeed too (that's me!), so I probably over-deliver on the support side of things, especially for a DIY program, but that is why my students get such awesome results! 



It really all depends on you, but the program is designed so most people will start making sales in week 3, and then on autopilot from roughly week 5.  



Both of these program are designed to help online course creators build out, step-by-step, the offers, sales, and marketing systems they need to hit their goals. Including amazing support, trainings and templates. 

The difference between Ignite and Empire though is the Ignite is designed specifically for people still in the starting stages, whose next goal is hitting $10k+ months. 

While EMPIRE teaches a whole different set of strategies, designed for people ALREADY hitting $10k+ months regularly, and who are looking to hit $50k+ months next.


Too many amazing and talented people stay stuck at the start for years (or forever). 

Others click the link below and join us now!

It's sad, but all too true...

$10k here I come!



CLIENT RESULTS + EARNINGS DISCLAIMER : When you read the case studies and results of our awesome clients that we share on this site, please know that these are our real clients, but specific results shared are NOT typical. These are all amazing, talented and hardworking people, who showed up and did the work, who were prepared to do some things that challenged them, or took them outside of their comfort zone. Who made our work together a priority. Who definitely failed a few times first, but got back up again and kept going. Some results were fast, some took months. But they are all real and based on results and outcomes shared with us by the clients. We have not independently verified the results they’ve shared. 

There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the Company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.